Impermanence – embracing change
(Book with DVD)
What does it mean that we are constantly changing? How do people confront ideas like death and change? Asked to contribute to an exhibit celebrating the work of the Dalai Lama, multimedia artists David and Hi-Jin Hodge interviewed over a hundred people about impermanence and change in their lives. Their subjects ranged from philosophers to gardeners, economists to spiritual leaders, doctors to patients. The result was incredibly moving. The Hodges’ installation consisted of a large, circular arrangement of mounted iPods on which the interviews played simultaneously, each on its own screen. Now this unique record has been made available for a wider audience; it includes both a book and a DVD so that the interviews can be viewed as they were seen in the original exhibit.
Though impermanence is a central Buddhist concept, it’s also a universal concern. We all grow up, change, and eventually pass into another state. Impermanence: Embracing Change provides a range of voices, both profound and heartwarming, that address these questions.
>> Impermanence book by David and Hi-jin Hodge (Shambhala publisher)
>> iPad download
>> Kindle download