WALK WITH ME screening at The 9. Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht (Signes de Nuit) / Berlin

Hall 4, Fira Montjuïc, Av. Reina Mª Cristina,
Av. Reina Mª Cristina, s/n, 08004 Barcelona
Friday 8th November 2024, 10.00 – 18.00 (followed by MIRA festival till late)

For the popup exhibition "UNDERGROUND BDW," we posed a thought-provoking question to our friends: if their house were on fire and they had just one minute to grab important items, what would they choose to save? This question invites deep reflection on personal values and priorities, revealing the items that hold the most significance—whether it's cherished family heirlooms, vital documents, or essential electronics.

Closer By The Minute - No Sense Of Time
Closer By The Minute, No Sense Of Time brings together three video installations and a photography exhibit that explore the passage of time, the impact of our choices, and our relationship with the world. The exhibition delves into human existence, memory, the environment, and material consumption, reflecting on how we perceive our lives in a changing world.

Ågesta film screening at Nature and Culture film festival
This festival focuses on the poetics of nature and environment, and takes place annually in Copenhagen, Denmark (with headquarters in Sweden and Finland for smaller features) as well as an online festival which is of free access at poeticphonotheque.com during the festival dates.

Ågesta film screening at British Cultural Film Festival & Market
British Cultural Film Festival & Market (BCFF) is Crawley's first-ever film festival. It'll be hosted by the Crawley Film Initiative (a non-profit cultural hub) at The Hawth Theatre. The festival will be accessible from all over the world due to it being located within a 10-minute journey from Gatwick International Airport.
The event consists of;
- Keynote Event Speaker; Peter Egan (Downton Abbey & After Life).
- Buyers Market
- Network Events
- CFI Talks from industry professionals will be broadcast globally.
- Film-related workshops.
- Feature film screenings.
- A short film corner.
- An award ceremony for the Films submitted.

Life on Wheels Screening and discussion
Tekniska museet, Museivägen 7, Norra Djurgården. Buss 69 till Museiparken
Kvällens program
Efter filmen följer ett inspirerande och framåtblickande samtal om mobilitet i framtidens stad och varför bilen ibland lockar oss mer än hållbara färdmedel.
Deltagare i samtalet:
Malin Andersson (Drive Sweden)
Åsa Minoz, (Viable Cities)
Alexander Ståhle (Spacescape)
Anna Kramers (KTH) och Mia Hesselgren (KTH).
Filmskaparna Hi-Jin och David Hodge finns på plats under kvällen.
Praktisk information
När: 28 mars
Tid: 18.00 – 20.30
Var: Parkettsalen, plan 3

TALBAR (film screening and debate) of Ågesta R3 documentary
Please join us for TALBAR and the screening of the documentary film "Ågesta R3 – A ripple in time" at the Tekniska museum on March 16th and learn about the Swedish first commercial nuclear reactor.
Kvällens program
Förutom livliga debatter, där publiken är välkommen att delta, utlovar kvällen även en exklusiv filmvisning av dokumentären ”Ågesta R3 – A ripple in time” och visning i nya utställningen Salong Energi – Ågesta Kraftverk.
I dokumentären ”Ågesta R3 – A ripple in time” tar regissörerna David Hodge och Hi-jin Kang Hodge med oss på en resa om kärnkraftens politiska, sociala och ekonomiska roll i dagens snabbt föränderliga energisystem. Genom djupintervjuer och poetiskt berättande utforskar filmen några av de existentiella frågorna kring kärnkraften.
I samtalspanelen gästar:
Anna Strömberg från Intellecta är moderator.
Christopher Eckerberg, Ågestachef från Vattenfall.
Hi-jin Hodge och David Hodge, filmskaparna bakom dokumentären
Magdalena Tafvelin Heldner, Anders Lindeberg och Christian Stadius från Tekniska museet.
Eva Dahlström Rittsél, utredare på kulturmiljöavdelningen på Riksantikvarieämbetet.

Life on Wheels online screening at the ARTS x SDGS Festival
ARTS x SDGS Festival: Decolonizing Art for the SDGs
Wed, Feb 1, 2023, 10:00 AM – Tue, Feb 7, 2023, 6:00 PM EST
Online event

Life on Wheels screening at 2022 Sustainable Stories Film Fest & Screening
Screenings will be held on November 11 in our 500-seat Bayou Theater and Nov. 7 - Dec 9 in the Black Box Theater.

LOW screening at CAMP- Centre for Architecture and City Planning in the city centre.
The sustainable mobility film festival entitled “Městem“ (Through a city) will take place in Prague cinemas.
Centrum architektury a městského plánování

Screening of Life on Wheels at Monterey AIA design conference
Monterey design conference.
Movie Night - "Life on Wheels - Transportation for a New Urban Century" (Merrill Hall) (1 LU)

Life on wheels screening at the 11th Session of the World Urban Forum in Katowice Poland

Life on Wheels at Rochester Street Films- a film screening and panel discussion about how we can build a more multi-modal future.
A look back in history shows us that Rochesterians once enjoyed a world-class subway and trolley system and our city was a bastion for biking in the U.S. But like most American cities, during the era of highway construction in the latter part of the 20th century, Rochester succumbed to a car-centric culture and built its existence around the automobile.
We will use “Life on Wheels” as a springboard to reflect on how we might transform our city once again to a place where people and vibrancy are prioritized over speeding vehicles, and where seas of asphalt are replaced with shared roadways and green space.
Following the film, there will be live discussion with local leaders moderated by David Streever, Digital Content Manager at WXXI. As a recent transplant to Rochester, David will bring a fresh perspective to the conversation.
Over the course of the evening, we will:
*Talk about the individual and societal benefits we’ll see if we can inspire more people to get around by bus, by rail, on bike, and on foot.
*Learn about the City and County’s plans to make policy shifts and invest in transit, biking and walking, and the steps RTS is taking to improve our public transit system.
*Hear from NYS State Senators Samra Brouk & Jeremy Cooney about how state level funding and policies can help drive change.
*Consider how we might use the energy of the local climate movement to lessen car dependency and carbon emissions.
Ana Liss, Director of Planning & Development, Monroe County
Abby McHugh-Grifa, Executive Director, Climate Solutions Accelerator
Rich Perrin, Commissioner of Dept of Env Services, City of Rochester
Miguel Velazquez, Deputy CEO, Rochester-Genesee Regional Transportation Authority

"Life on Wheels" Virtual Screening & Conversation
Online Event by Metropolitan Planning Council
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. CST
Join MPC for our first virtual documentary screening of Life on Wheels from the safety and comfort of home. Grab your favorite drink, relax and enjoy this interactive experience with us.
Life on Wheels tells the compelling story of a culture on the verge of a revolution that will transform our economy, our environment, and the rhythms of our everyday lives. In this documentary, a collection of mobility mavens, technologists, and visionaries takes viewers on a journey through the highways, back alleys, and futurescapes of transportation – how we get from here to there. Life on Wheels addresses the promises, dangers, and absurdities of our current auto-centric transportation system and explores new possibilities and stories of change. The subject of mobility has vast implications. It touches our core values of freedom, health, safety, and happiness. It hits our pocketbooks and impacts how we spend our time and energy. It literally shapes our landscapes, cities, and social conditions. The path we choose will have profound implications for us and for future generations.
This film brings together disparate voices to paint pictures of potential futures based on new social movements and lifestyle trends, emerging technologies, and new business models. We depict an entire industry and infrastructure on the brink of fundamental change. As businesses, citizens, and policymakers make decisions that will shape our movements for the decades to come, the voices in this film offer vital new perspectives. It’s an urgent conversation with complex consequences.
Read more about the film on Forbes.
Andrew Broderick, AICP, Senior Designer, Perkins&Will
Emily Castor Warren, Senior Policy Advisor, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates
Romina Castillo, Community Planner, Muse Community Design
Audrey Wennink, Director of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Council
Thank you to our event partner, SmartGO, and Perkins&Will for generously sponsoring this event.
By registering for this event, you agree to the Terms & Conditions of registration for this event and agree to receive communications from Metropolitan Planning Council. Should you not wish to accept the Terms & Conditions you should not register. You can opt-out of these communications at any time by clicking unsubscribe or contacting our office at events@metroplanning.org.

Bifrost Talks Mobility: Life on Wheels – How will the pandemic affect the new normal in mobility?
Online Event by Nordic Innovation House
Thu, October 29, 2020
8:00 AM - 9: AM Pacific Time
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CET
If you want to see the webinar again or if you weren’t able to see it live, find it recorded on Youtube, click here
The film Life on Wheels tells the compelling story of a culture on the verge of a revolution that will transform our economy, our environment, and the rhythms of our everyday lives. It coincides with many changes cities are now considering with regards to road space and transit.
With the film as a baseline, we invite you to an event focusing on the new normal for mobility in our cities globally.
How will the pandemic affect the need for mobility services?
Is shared mobility outdated?
What will our cities look like post-Covid?
What opportunities for change does the pandemic carry with it?
During this virtual event we will get the chance to hear the perspectives of the filmmakers as well as the perspectives of a renowned panel moderated by Timothy Papandreou.

Life on Wheels (55min) screening at 18th International Festival Signs of the Night - Berlin (6th Edition)
It´s time to act....
Wednesday 16 September, 2020
22.30 h
Kino in der Königsstadt

Life on Wheels (55min) screening at Drive Sweden Forum
Transformation of the Mobility System – A Global Challenge

Life on Wheels - Interview shorts at Sweden House in Washington DC
Smart mobility exhibition in collaboration with Swedish Institute - SI

Life on Wheels Preview at Drive Sweden Forum and Annual Meeting
Registration only.
Chalmersplatsen 1, Gothenburg

Life on Wheels (90min) preview at Nordic Future Mobility Summit
Registration only.
After the viewing of the film a panel discussion will be held where topics from the film will be discussed. This will be followed by a reception hosted by the Nordic Consulates in San Francisco.
Speakers and Panelists:
Emily Castor Venture Partner at Fontinalis Partners
Amanda Eaken Director of Transportation at NRDC
Joshua Schank Chief Innovation Officer at Los Angeles County Metro
Gerry Tierney, Associate Principal and Co-Director of the Mobility Lab at Perkins and Will
Shin-pei Tsay, Director of Policy, Cities and Transportation at Uber
Jessica Alba Transportation Policy Manager at Stanford University
Location: Cubberley Auditorium, 485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305

The Road Ahead: Reimagining Mobility presents 40 design projects inspired by the technologies that will change how we move people, goods, and services in the future. With the rapid convergence of data and design innovation, cities are becoming smarter and transport options are multiplying. The Road Ahead encourages visitors to creatively consider how droids, bots, drones, and more can make streetscapes safer, transportation more equitable, and cities more sustainable. Arup, MIT, Höweler + Yoon, Toyota, IDEO, and Waymo are among the cutting-edge research institutions, designers, and manufacturers whose works and ideas are featured in the exhibition, which also includes a college design showcase highlighting innovative concepts from design’s next generation.

Skies Calling Skies Falling (prologue) selected at 2018 SFDFF
Screening at the 2018 San Francisco Dance Film Festival, October 11 - 14 at the Brava Theater Center in SF’s Mission District.
Sunday, October 14, 6:00 PM
Brava Theater
2781 24th Street, San Francisco
MAP | BART | Parking Info

Skies Calling Skies Falling - Sweden tour 2018
Tour dates and venue:
Färgfabriken - Sept 13th & 14th
Frösö Park Arena, Frösön - Sept 20
Nova Arts Academy, Simrishamn - Sept 25th

Skies Calling Skies Falling (prologue only) at the Screen Dance International
Screen Dance International
Friday, August 10 at the Detroit Institute of Art.